81 research outputs found


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    This study aims to describe the response of ethnic political subculture Bugis Bone and Gowa Makassar in the reform era, especially in the formation of a new elite. The results of this study indicate that the model of ethnic identity politics in Bugis Bone strengthened and weakened in Gowa Makassar etnicity. Bone aristrocrat succes to maintain its relationship with the masses, rather Gowa aristocrat, was decreased political function. In Bone, there was an elite formation process that is conducted by the clan of Page, while the political stage in Gowa more open and filled by a diverse political community. Bone society’s political choices are more primordial, caused by power relations that continue to be maintained by the nobility of Bone. While the diversity of political choices made by people of Gowa due to the weak political control by elites and Gowa aristocrat

    Ecotourism,livelihood System and Decoupling Sustainabilty in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi

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    ABSTRACTThis study was conducted in Wakatobi Southeast Sulawesi Province. Wakatobi overall administrative region is a national park established by decree of the Ministry Forestry No.7651/KPTS-II/2002 dated August 19 Wakatobi National 2002. Wakatobi National Park was the second largest marine park was owned by Indonesia and became one of the national tourism destination. It was the latest Indonesian biosphere reserves established by UNESCO in the 24th session of the ICC-MAB program in 2012, Paris.Wakatobi geostrategic position in the center of the world’s coral led to an area that has a very rich biodiversity and have the beautifully and exotic underwater scenery. The superiority of location (geographical advantage) being the reason for local governments to establish ecotourism as a paradigm of Wakatobi regional development. This study examines the livelihood systems and the level of household resilience after ecotourism developed in Wakatobi through “Sustainable Livelihood Aproach”.In this study, it can be concluded that the development of ecotourism in the region has not given more contribution thus hamper the achievement of regional development based on ecotourism as nature conservation was maintained and well-being of local communities. However, the development of ecotourism still was inclusive so that people who are able to access such availability was top class household groups. Ecotourism basically can increase the economic resilience of households.Keywords: regional development, ecotourism, livilihood, resilience, decoupling sustainabilityABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Wakatobi Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Secara keseluruhan wilayah adminstrasi Wakatobi merupakan taman nasional yang ditetapkan berdasarkan surat keputusan Menteri Kehutanan No.7651/KPTS-II/2002 tanggal 19 Agustus tahun 2002.Taman Nasional Wakatobi merupakan taman laut terbesar kedua yang di miliki Indonesia dan menjadi salah satu Daerah Tujuan Wisata nasional. Merupakan cagar Biosfer terbaru Indonesia yang ditetapkan oleh UNESCO melalui sidang ke-24 ICC-MAB program pada tahun 2012 di Paris. Posisi Geostrategis Wakatobi di tengah pusat karang dunia, menyebabkan daerah ini sebagai wilayah yang memiliki keanekaragamn hayati yang sangat tinggi dan mempunyai pemandangan alam bawah laut yang indah dan eksotik. Keunggulan lokasi (geographical advantage) menjadi alasan Pemerintah Daerah menetapkan Ekowisata sebagai paradigma pembangunan wilayah Wakatobi. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat sistem penghidupan dan tingkat resiliensi rumahtangga setelah ekowista dikembangkan di Wakatobi menggunakan pendekatan “Sustainable Livelihood aproach”. Hasil kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kegiatan ekowisata belum berkontribusi besar dalam pembangunan wilayah karena terjadi persoalan ”Decoupling Sustainability”, hal ini menghambat tercapainya tujuan pembangunan wilayah yang berbasiskan ekowisata yaitu kelesetarian alam terjaga dan masyarakat lokal memperoleh manfaat. Tetapi yang terjadi adalah pembangunan ekowisata yang belum inklusif sehingga hanya lapisan rumahtangga atas yang mampu mengakses peluang yang tersedia. Ekowisata pada dasarnya dapat meningkatkan resiliensi ekonomi rumahtangga.Kata kunci: pembangunan wilayah, ekowisata, livelihood , resiliensi, decoupling sustainabilit

    Rural Livelihood Vulnerability and Resilience: a Typology Drawn from Case Studies of Small-Scale Farmers and Fishermen in Indonesia

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    Various studies on rural household livelihood systems have been carried out in Indonesia to explain the level of household livelihood vulnerability in both farming and fishing communities. The livelihood of small-scale farmers and fishermen is usually vulnerable due to climate and non-climate pressure. This desk study compares the results of studies on livelihood vulnerability from various theses, dissertations and scientific journal articles with a similar topic of study. A case study analysis is used to figure out a comparative picture of small-scale farmers and fishermen households in responding to the pressure as well as making adaptive actions to survive. The weakness of this study is that the conclusion cannot provide evidences as a basis for deriving generalization. Rather it only provides an initial description of the socioeconomic responses as shown by small-scale farmers and fishermen in reacting to ecological pressures. This study comes up with a typology of pressure faced by small-scale farmers and fishermen households. There are four types of stressor that are identified, i.e., climate variability, capital farm expansion, rural-infrastructure development, and economic actorcompetitions. In responding to livelihood vulnerability, most of small-scale farmers and fishermen build their resiliency by using resources under the controlled household system while others use external sources

    EKOMODERNITAS ISLAM: Kepemimpinan, Mobilisasi dan Gerakan Lingkungan Hidup di Dua Pesantren di Jawa Barat

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    This study explains how the AtQ, Garut Islamic boarding school and Mf H, Tasikmalaya Islamic boarding school approachs education through ecotheology which is carried out in response to the environmental crisis. The case boarding schools studied contained two environmental leadership and ecomodernity movements as well as santri pioneering in strengthening the local economy which had a different type. This study took two case boarding schools in West Java, namely the AtQ Ecology Islamic Boarding School, Garut and the MfH Islamic Boarding School, Tasikmalaya. This study aims to describe the process of leadership formation, resource mobility in the environmental movement which is integrated with strengthening the local economy in both Islamic boarding schools andthe role of santri alumni who have returned to the rural society. This study was conducted using a qualitative approach with a grounded theory method that is oriented to data from in-depth interviews, supported by field observations, documentation studies and literature studies. Result the research indicated that the environmental leadership of santri alumni was conduct from the tradition of Islamic ecotheology education in pesantren. The environmental movement carried out by pesantren is by utilizing a network of actors from various parties in mobilizing resources. Ecomodernity in the two pesantren has a different style. This is reflected in the alumni activities of AtQ, Garut students as pioneers of the environmental movement and local economic empowerment in the rural society through environmental education tours and advocacy. Meanwhile, the alumni of MfH students, Tasikmalaya, carry out da’wah on organic agriculture through the millennial santri farmer program and the agribusiness madrasa program

    Analysis of Household Livelihood Structure and Strategies of Farmers In Conservation Forest Areas, Case In The Village of Cipeuteuy, District Sukabumi

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    Penduduk Desa Cipeuteuy masih menggantungkan kehidupan mereka dari kegiatan pertanian. Lahan yang digunakan adalah Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak dan menggunakan prinsip pinjam pakai. Strategi nafkah warga yang tinggal di desa ini tidak hanya dari sektor pertanian, tapi juga sektor non pertanian. Terdapat berbagai cara penerapan struktur strategi penghidupan, mulai dari intensifikasi satu sektor, diversifikasi pendapatan atau pola nafkah ganda, rekayasa spasial atau migrasi. Namun, semua sektor  pendapatan tetap menggunakan modal. Kelima modal yaitu modal sumberdaya alam, modal sosial, modal manusia, modal finansial, dan modal fisik digunakan sebagai cara untuk mendukung keberlanjutan strategi nafkah mereka. Bahkan semakin lama, warga cenderung lebih bergantung pada sektor non petanian. Namun basis nafkah mereka adalah sebagai petani. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa telah terjadi transformasi sosial dimana nilai pertanian terhadap masyarakat telah menurun. Kata kunci : rumahtangga petani, strategi nafkah, struktur agrari

    Actor Ideology and Public Perception of Sand Mining Impacts on Rural Galunggung Mountain

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    Pasca erupsi, kawasan Gunung Galunggung  merupakan  salah satu kawasan yang  menjadi arena  besar pertarungan kepentingan antara pemerintah, masyarakat dan swasta. Objek pasir yang berlimpah menjadikan pertambangan skala besar hadir dan berimplikasi secara esensial terhadap kehidupan masyarakat lokal yang tidak  hanya  berada  dekat  dengan  kawasan  pertambangan,  namun  juga  berada  jauh  dengan  lokasi pertambangan. Terlebih diketahui bahwa ideologi masyarakat yang menekankan pada kesejahteraan dan populisme, berbanding terbalik dengan ideologi swasta dan pemerintah yang menekankan pada profit dan pembangunan.  Dampak  negatif  dan  positif  aktivitas  pertambangan  mulai  secara  nyata  dirasakan  oleh masyarakat, diantaranya seperti degradasi kualitas air, tingkat pendapatan atau konflik yang secara krusial merepresentasikan  respons  masyarakat  terhadap  keberadaan perusahaan pertambangan  pasir  yang  telah hampir tiga puluh tahun mengeruk kawasan ini.  Kata  kunci:  Analisis  aktor,  analisis  dampak, pemanfaatan  sumber  daya  alam,  persepsi  masyarakat, pertambangan pasi

    The Effectiveness of Awig-awig in Livelihood Arrangements of Fishing Community in Kedonganan Beach

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk menganalisis efektivitas Awig-awig pengaturan kehidupan masyarakat nelayan. Awig-awig merupakan pranata sosial di Bali dan suatu peraturan yang dijalankan, awig-awig dibentuk oleh penduduk lokal sebagai pedoman untuk berperilaku dalam interaksi sosial. Awigawig terdiri dari sekumpulan aturan, tertulis atau tidak tertulis berlandaskan filosofi hindu Tri Hita Karana. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui te ntang pengetahuan, pemahaman dan implementasi nelayan terhadap awig-awig yang mengatur kehidupan masyarakat nelayan. Responden penelitian ini adalah nelayan lokal dan pendatang. Efektivitas awig-awig dapat diketahui dari jumlah pelanggaran aturan, saksi yang tegas, sosialisasi yang intensif, petugas yang melakukan kontrol, dan penghargaan terhadap nelayan. Kata Kunci : awig-awig, efektivitas, peraturan kehidupa

    The Livelihood Resilience of Forest Community Farmer Household in Giriwoyo, Wonogiri

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    Hutan rakyat merupakan pengelolaan hutan yang tidak hanya mempertimbangkan aspek ekologi tetapi juga aspek ekonomi, hutan rakyat sangat memungkinkan untuk dapat meningkatkan pendapatan dan mengembangkan kesejahteraan petani. Rumah tangga petani hutan rakyat tidak hanya memanfaatkan modal alam dalam aktivitas penghidupan, tetapi juga menggunakan modal yang dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan pendapatan. Metode yang digunakan yakni kombinasi dari pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kuesionerdan pendekatan kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bentuk resiliensi yang diterapkan rumahtangga untuk membentuk modal (livelihood asset). Resiliensi diartikan sebagai kemampuan individu atau kelompok untuk bertahan menghadapi guncangan atau krisis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah resieliensi dipengaruhi oleh kepemilikan modal dan pendapatan rumahtangga. Modal rumahtangga digunakan oleh rumahtangga petani sebagai strategi nafkah, hingga dapat membangun resiliensi rumahtangga. Kata kunci : hutan rakyat, modal, resiliensi, strategi rumahtangg

    IB-Governance Framework Model™ Based on Intellectual Capital of Sharia Banking

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    Sharia Commercial Banks (SCB) in Indonesia have not had a comprehensive sharia governance framework standard yet. The purpose of this study is to present a new perspective of sharia corporate governance model based on the intellectual capital. The data used are primary data obtained from questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Secondary data is obtained from SCB’s annual report. The model is built using Soft System Methodology (SSM) approach. This study shows that the intellectual capital condition contributes positively to the performance of SCB, while the implementation of corporate governance does not contribute significantly. However, simultaneously corporate governance and intellectual capital contributed positively to the performance of SCB. This study builds a corporate governance model based on intellectual capital using the SSM approach, called iB-Governance Framework (iB-GF™). This model is a new approach, since corporations generally prefer to use corporate governance models with regulatory driven approaches rarely use ethical driven approaches. iB-GF™ be able encourage the better of sharia bank governance. Keywords: iB-Governance Framework; intellectual capital; sharia commercial banks; sharia corporate governance; soft system methodolog

    The Agricultural Expansion in Conservation Areas: The Case of Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, West Java

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    The Indonesian government has expanded the Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (GHSNP) to reduce the impact of global climate change and conserve ecosystem biodiversity. This policy has been resisted by local communities who need access to GHNSP area to support their livelihoods. Qualitative and quantitative approaches have been applied in this study to explain the occurrence of agricultural expansion and its impact on the household economy in the GHSNP area. This study is supported by an analysis of secondary data regarding land cover changes in the GHSNP corridor area. This study found that farmers have been able to take reflexive and rational actions by utilizing power relations and social networks to regain their access in the GHSNP area. It was shown by the formation of concentrated agriculture expansion in areas that were previously stated as the forestry corporation concessions. Agricultural expansion has increased due to the economic needs of the resident, migration, and the resident's need for land. Massive agricultural expansion in the GHSNP corridor has changed land use and corridor landscapes and disrupted conservation goals. This study concludes that agricultural expansion occurred as a response of farmers to government decisions to expand the national park into areas the local communities considered part of their living space. The complexity of changes due to agricultural expansion in conservation areas challenges conservation experts and the forestry profession to develop adaptive management that is more sensitive to change and community needs
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